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We are living in unpredictable times. Fear and confusion have gripped the hearts and minds of people around the world.

And as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread across our own country it is accompanied by chaos and panic. It has been staggering to watch our daily lives change so dramatically in such a short amount of time. Who would have thought that hand sanitizer, Lysol, and toilet paper would be so valuable?

In today’s article, I want to help you navigate through some of the confusion so you can keep you, your family and friends safe and healthy.

Do I have COVID-19?

First, remain calm. It is important to note that all signs of sickness are not the result of COVID-19. Remember we live in the South. And during the Spring, this means blooming plants are everywhere. With the pretty flowers come nasal congestion (blocked nose), sneezing, itchy eyes, sore throat and in some severe cases wheezing.

Please don’t confuse Hay Fever with the COVID-19. The common cold can have some similar symptoms seen in COVID-19. The key difference is the presence of a fever.

A common cold rarely causes a fever and is usually accompanied by a runny nose. The most common symptoms associated with COVID-19 is a cough and fever (usually at least 103 degrees) with shortness of breath. If you have these symptoms or have had known contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 it is imperative that you see a doctor. But, remember that in most cases the symptoms are mild, and most people will recover safely at home.

If you suspect that you may have COVID-19 it is recommended that you isolate yourself at home and avoid public places. If you develop a fever, and symptoms such as cough or difficulty breathing call your doctor’s office or emergency department for medical advice.

Over 80 percent of COVID-19 infections are mild, and only a small percentage will develop severe respiratory compromise, such as pneumonia. It is older people and those with underlying health conditions that are most vulnerable to developing severe symptoms.

Help stop the spread of COVID-19

Please do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19 by washing your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Washing hands with soap and water are preferable to using hand sanitizer. 

Additionally, try to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. It is important to cover your cough or sneeze into a tissue or into the bend of your arm. Remember to discard the tissue in the trash after using it. Be diligent on cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Finally, if you feel sick please stay at home and wear a facemask.

Preventive Measures to Boost you Immunity

1. Hand washing – This is the fundamental way to protect yourself from getting sick or spreading illness. Germs are everywhere, even in my mom’s house that would make Mr. Clean jealous. Hand washing is the most powerful way to limit the transfer of these disease-causing viruses, bacteria, and microbes. However, are you washing your hands correctly? It has been shown that over-the-counter antibacterial soaps are no more effective at killing germs than regular soap. Follow these steps to ensure you are washing your hands correctly:

    • Wet your hands with clean, running water – as warm as tolerated.
    • Apply soap and lather well.
    • Rub hands for a minimum of 30-40 seconds. One way to ensure you have lathered up long enough is to
      sing, “Happy Birthday” to yourself twice while rubbing soapy hands together.
    • Remember to make sure you clean the back of your hands, wrists, between the fingers, and under
      the fingernails. Imagine you are a surgeon scrubbing in for surgery.
    • Rinse well
    • Dry hands with a clean towel or air-dry them.

2. Eat a healthy diet – The liver plays a key role in the body’s natural detoxification process so eating more vegetables like Kale and Broccoli boots the immune system by keeping the liver healthy. 

3. Exercise regularly – Exercise has been shown to boost the immune system and protect the body against infection. 

4. Get adequate sleep – A lack of sleep will cause an inflammatory immune response and suppression of T-cells. The T-cells are a component of the white blood cell and vital to the immune system.

5. Reduce you stress levels – Stress causes an increased production of Cortisol, which reduces white blood cell and antibody secretion. Try stress relieving activities, such as yoga or a form of meditation

6. Get plenty of Vitamin A, B6, C, D, and E to help increase the immune system – These vitamins are available in a multivitamin, however getting them from food is the best way. For example, Vitamin C is in citrus fruits like Orange and Grapefruit. On a side note, if you take adequate amounts of Vitamin C it will prevent Scurvy. No Inlet pirate wants that. Most of my patients are deficient in Vitamin D and are surprised to learn how much Vitamin D3 is actually required and needed to be optimal.

7. Stock up on herbs and supplements – For example, AHCC, Echinacea, Elderberry, Andrographis and Astragalus have been shown to reduce the duration and severity of illness. I have been taking Elderberry to reduce my chances of getting the flu, besides it tastes great.

Although people are buying toilet paper and non-perishable products off the shelves. Please remember to have common medications available, such as cough medications and fever reducers.

If you are sick, please stay home. Instead of shaking hands, use an elbow bump as a greeting.

And finally, remember, this will pass. We will get through this together.

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If you have further questions or concerns the team at Inlet Physical Medicine can help, please call (843) 652-5678 now to schedule a consultation.

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I could go on for a long time on how great this place is but I will sum it up to a few points: Inlet Physical Medicine is easily the best doctors office I have ever been to, Dr. Cohen is world class when it comes to being a great doctor, you can tell how knowledgeable and passionate he is about what he does from the first time you meet him.

[/fusion_testimonial][fusion_testimonial name=”ASHLEY S.” avatar=”image” image=”https://www.inletphysicalmedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Testimony-Ashley-S.jpg” image_id=”25948|full” image_border_radius=”round” company=”” link=”” target=”_self”]

I have been to many doctors in my life, and Dr. Cohen is THE most patient, thorough one I’ve ever been to. He will get to the bottom of the issue and then stick with it until it’s better. Can not recommend him enough!

[/fusion_testimonial][fusion_testimonial name=”JEANIE H.” avatar=”image” image=”https://www.inletphysicalmedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Testimony-Jeanie-H..png” image_id=”25945|full” image_border_radius=”round” company=”” link=”” target=”_self”]

Without a doubt one of the best chiropractors I’ve ever used. Very professional and thoroughly examines and listens to you. You not only are a patient you become family. The only doctor to actually figure out why I was hurting and took the time to help me and NOT try to ‘pill me up’.

[/fusion_testimonial][/fusion_testimonials][fusion_separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”50″ bottom_margin=”” sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” width=”” alignment=”center” class=”” id=”” /][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]


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Monday 8-1 / 12-6
Tuesday 10-5
Wednesday 8-1 / 12-6
Thursday 10-5
Friday 8-12 Noon

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