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We have heard it all our lives – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We have even heard that it’s a key to losing weight.

For years “the experts” have touted the need to get your metabolism going first thing in the morning by eating a healthy breakfast. This advice is based on the idea that eating breakfast in the morning will accelerate metabolism, which helps keep us thin and lean. Eating breakfast is considered a nutritional guideline provided by nutritional experts for health and weight loss.

And then to keep your metabolism “fired up” you need to be eating multiple small meals throughout the day. The idea of grazing has been a long-held belief among nutritionists and weight-loss “gurus”.

However, this misguided recommendation was not based on any scientific fact or research. This theory was created by manufactured breakfast food companies. Yes, Tony the Tiger and Toucan Sam were pushing false propaganda in order to sell more cereal.

The truth

The fact is, in 2014 a study was conducted and concluded that eating breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day. Furthermore, eating breakfast does not stimulate metabolism or cause additional weight loss.

The weight loss industry is a billion-dollar business. The commercials on television promise a body of your dreams, however, in reality, the results are extremely disappointing.

In another study, the long term results of participants three years after they concluded a weight loss program, were revealed.

  • Only 12% of the participants were able to keep off at least 75% of the weight they lost on the diet.
  • Over 40% gained back more weight than they had originally lost.

To put this in perspective, you are nearly four times more likely to put on more than your original starting weight than to actually lose weight long term.

One of the main reasons people fail to maintain the weight loss is an increase in appetite hormones when the body senses it has lost fat and muscle. In addition, calorie restriction and the inevitable loss of muscle mass causes a significant decrease in metabolism. Consequently, it becomes easier to regain weight when the patient begins to eat normally again.

There simply must be a better way to lose weight and keep weight off.

Over the past several years a new approach to long-lasting and effective weight loss has been challenging the status quo. It’s based on science, fact, and research from renowned doctors like Dr. Michael Vanderschelden and his study “The Scientific Approach To Intermittent Fasting.”

And it’s helping people regain energy, vitality and experience the quality of life they deserve.

It’s called intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting has been proven as a safe and effective way to lose fat, increase metabolism, and improve overall health. Some of the many benefits as revealed by peer-reviewed research include:

  • Enhanced fat burning and weight loss
  • Increased production of growth hormone
  • Better brain function
  • Decreased insulin resistance
  • Better gut health
  • Cancer protection
  • Stabilization of Ghrelin hormone (the hunger hormone)
  • Reduced cravings, especially to sugar
  • Reduced stress
  • Increased lifespan

In future articles, I’ll go more in-depth into the topic but for now here are some basics on how to get started.

  • Daily intermittent fasting should be conducted during a specific window of time.
  • For men, the recommended fast should be at least 16 hours.
  • For women, the recommended fast should be around 14 hours.

If your are considering starting intermittent fasting I would recommend adding BCAA’s and incorporating a consistent exercise program. There is an abundance of information available on the vast health benefits intermittent fasting can have on the body.

At Inlet Physical Medicine we are committed to helping those who live in Myrtle Beach, Murrells Inlet, Surfside Beach, and the Grand Strand region achieve their weight loss goals and improve their overall health and function.

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I could go on for a long time on how great this place is but I will sum it up to a few points: Inlet Physical Medicine is easily the best doctors office I have ever been to, Dr. Cohen is world class when it comes to being a great doctor, you can tell how knowledgeable and passionate he is about what he does from the first time you meet him.

[/fusion_testimonial][fusion_testimonial name=”ASHLEY S.” avatar=”image” image=”https://www.inletphysicalmedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Testimony-Ashley-S.jpg” image_id=”25948|full” image_border_radius=”round” company=”” link=”” target=”_self”]

I have been to many doctors in my life, and Dr. Cohen is THE most patient, thorough one I’ve ever been to. He will get to the bottom of the issue and then stick with it until it’s better. Can not recommend him enough!

[/fusion_testimonial][fusion_testimonial name=”JEANIE H.” avatar=”image” image=”https://www.inletphysicalmedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Testimony-Jeanie-H..png” image_id=”25945|full” image_border_radius=”round” company=”” link=”” target=”_self”]

Without a doubt one of the best chiropractors I’ve ever used. Very professional and thoroughly examines and listens to you. You not only are a patient you become family. The only doctor to actually figure out why I was hurting and took the time to help me and NOT try to ‘pill me up’.

[/fusion_testimonial][/fusion_testimonials][fusion_separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”50″ bottom_margin=”” sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” width=”” alignment=”center” class=”” id=”” /][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]


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Monday 8-1 / 12-6
Tuesday 10-5
Wednesday 8-1 / 12-6
Thursday 10-5
Friday 8-12 Noon

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