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Low Testosterone Aging Male Inlet Physical Medicine Myrtle Beach Murrells Inlet South Carolina

Alright, gentlemen (and the ladies who love them) this one is for you. I’m sure you’ve heard a term like low testosterone aging male.

Let’s be honest, when you think about the aging process it congers up thoughts of grey hair, joint pain, weight gain, and slow foggy thinking. But, does the aging process really mean that you need to surrender to wearing socks with sandals, and taking daily mid-afternoon naps? 

The truth is that aging is physiologic and unavoidable, but it can be slowed. Actually, you can maintain a high quality of life until an advanced age. You can optimize your health as an aging male.

In my opinion, the goal is to add LIFE to years, not necessarily years to life. It is the quality of life that I focus on in the treatment plan of the aging male.

So, how do you enjoy the quality of life you were meant to have as you age?

“Dad-bod Be Gone!”

There is a direct correlation between low testosterone during the aging male process and the quality of life. 

The most impactful problem when men lose their testosterone is the increasing development of visceral fat, which typically occurs around the abdominal area.  This can be identified as the “Spare Tire” or “Dad Bod”. In addition to the larger pants size the following things become a much higher risk for men:

  • Increased coronary artery disease
  • Cerebrovascular disease which put plainly are diseases related to your brain
  • Diabetes
  • Syndrome X which are abnormalities caused by a high intake of refined carbohydrates, leading to hypoglycemia and glucose intolerance followed by diminished insulin sensitivity, further leading to hypertension, and obesity.

These disease processes are usually treated with cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, and antidepressant medications instead of safer and more natural treatments. This strategy might be lucrative for drug manufacturers, but not on the health of you, the aging man. The drug interactions and side effects of these prescribed medications often are making men sicker than before they started the medications.

A Better Alternative for the Aging Male

What if you were counseled and treated with hormone supplementation, such as testosterone, which is one of the most naturally occurring hormones in your body? Hormone supplementation for an aginge male with low testosterone has shown positive effects on multiple aspects of aging, and the quest to achieve optimal health. 

By optimizing your hormones you could expect to see:

  • A decrease in visceral fat and restoration of strength and lean body mass.
  • An increase in HDL, which is the good cholesterol that is cardio-protective.
  • Lower LDL, fibrinogen, insulin, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. These are the precursors to heart disease and organ disease. 

If you still aren’t convinced

If the underlying health benefits fail to inspire you to consider testosterone supplementation, consider the way you could feel. 

  • Increased sexual desire, arousal, activity, and genital stimulation.
  • Improvement of your mood, skin thickness, and energy levels.
  • Improved cognitive performance, such as memory and concentration.

These are all very good things.

Signs of decreased and low testosterone

If you are questioning if you could be a man with low testosterone just pay attention to the following:

  • If you no longer awaken with an erection, this is a good indication that your testosterone levels are low. 
  • Low sex drive.
  • Difficulty with erection.
  • Low semen volume.
  • Hair loss.
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of muscle mass.
  • Increased body fat.
  • Decreased bone mass.
  • Mood changes.
  • Affected memory.
  • Smaller testicle size.
  • Low blood counts leading to anemia and problems like concentrating, dizziness, leg cramping, problems sleeping, and rapid heartbeat.

The solution

Get checked and consider hormone replacement therapy. 


Succumb to wearing oversized sweatpants, indulging in early-bird specials at the local buffet, and reminiscing about the man you once were.

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To learn how the team at Inlet Physical Medicine can help you add life to your years and overcome low testosterone please call (843) 652-5678 now to schedule a consultation.

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I could go on for a long time on how great this place is but I will sum it up to a few points: Inlet Physical Medicine is easily the best doctors office I have ever been to, Dr. Cohen is world class when it comes to being a great doctor, you can tell how knowledgeable and passionate he is about what he does from the first time you meet him.

[/fusion_testimonial][fusion_testimonial name=”ASHLEY S.” avatar=”image” image=”https://www.inletphysicalmedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Testimony-Ashley-S.jpg” image_id=”25948|full” image_border_radius=”round” company=”” link=”” target=”_self”]

I have been to many doctors in my life, and Dr. Cohen is THE most patient, thorough one I’ve ever been to. He will get to the bottom of the issue and then stick with it until it’s better. Can not recommend him enough!

[/fusion_testimonial][fusion_testimonial name=”JEANIE H.” avatar=”image” image=”https://www.inletphysicalmedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Testimony-Jeanie-H..png” image_id=”25945|full” image_border_radius=”round” company=”” link=”” target=”_self”]

Without a doubt one of the best chiropractors I’ve ever used. Very professional and thoroughly examines and listens to you. You not only are a patient you become family. The only doctor to actually figure out why I was hurting and took the time to help me and NOT try to ‘pill me up’.

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Tuesday 10-5
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