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Handling crazy times

We are certainly living in a time like no other. Fear, anxiety, and stress are higher than ever before. People are worried about their health and the health of loved ones and that’s understandable.

The fear of the unknown…the isolation…it’s all cause for sleepless nights.

All of our routines have been disrupted by this coronavirus. Even the ways that we find relief from stress have been upset: the gym, exercise, walks on the beach, time with friends, an evening out at the Marsh – they all have been put on hold.

But, you can not only survive, you can thrive during this time.

Everyone reacts differently to stress. We all manage it differently but during a pandemic, it may take on a different form. It can change our sleeping and eating patterns. We can have trouble focusing. Alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs can be used to try and cope. All of these things can have negative impacts on our health.

Our mental health can be impacted tremendously. If someone suffers with anxiety, frequent panic attacks can be triggered. Depression can increase and feel even more intense.

Here are some things you can put into place to make it through the coronavirus and come out stronger.

Limit your social media

People are continually looking at their phones for updates and sharing what they are going through in the midst of the coronavirus. Social distancing has become a two-edged sword with social media.

There’s encouragement, inspiration, and connection happening as well as sharing fear, and sometimes false information.

Be careful what you believe and how much information you take in via social media. The constant stream of “news” about the pandemic can be overwhelming and cause unnecessary stress.

Connect with those you love

Just because you are self-isolating, quarantining and social distancing doesn’t mean you need to lose the connection you have with family and friends.

Technology can close the gap. You can stay connected through Facebook, texting and Zoom. If you don’t know what Zoom is, just Google it – you’ll be glad you did. And remember, there’s also that thing called the phone – where you actually talk with someone, remember that? :)

Schedule some “me time”

Alone time can help you recharge, reset and find some peace in the midst of a crazy time. Write out a list of self-care things you enjoy. Maybe reading a book, meditating, putting together a puzzle, watching your favorite movie, or reading a book does the trick. Whatever it is, be a little selfish, it’s okay.

Take care of your body

Breathe deeply, meditate, exercise regularly, eat healthy meals and get plenty of sleep. All of these things can help lessen stress and anxiety. And please, avoid turning to alcohol, tobacco or drugs as a way to cope, they don’t help in the long run.

Take care of your mind – stop worrying

Focus on what you can control.

You may be worried about catching the virus or losing your job. The more you worry and think about the “what ifs”, the more anxious you may feel. You may not be able to stop worrying thoughts from entering your mind, but you can change how you respond to them.

Instead of worrying, focus on how you can change your thinking. If you’re anxious about paying the bills if you lose your job, for example, think of ways you can cut costs now and take action.

The facts are what you need to focus on

While people are becoming infected with COVID-19, the majority of people have mild to moderate symptoms and recover on their own. You should continue to practice social distancing and take other protective measures, including frequent handwashing and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Be diligent and take preventive measures but don’t give in to fear.

Be productive

A lot of people have found they have extra time on their hands, so focus on being productive and accomplishing things. Do things you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t had the time for. Or use the Internet to learn a new hobby or skill, like gardening, cooking, knitting, or speaking a new language.

Talk to your doctor

If you, or someone you care about, are feeling overwhelmed with emotions contact your doctor.

At Inlet Physical Medicine we’re here for you, to support you and help you make it through this and come out stronger.

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I could go on for a long time on how great this place is but I will sum it up to a few points: Inlet Physical Medicine is easily the best doctors office I have ever been to, Dr. Cohen is world class when it comes to being a great doctor, you can tell how knowledgeable and passionate he is about what he does from the first time you meet him.

[/fusion_testimonial][fusion_testimonial name=”ASHLEY S.” avatar=”image” image=”https://www.inletphysicalmedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Testimony-Ashley-S.jpg” image_id=”25948|full” image_border_radius=”round” company=”” link=”” target=”_self”]

I have been to many doctors in my life, and Dr. Cohen is THE most patient, thorough one I’ve ever been to. He will get to the bottom of the issue and then stick with it until it’s better. Can not recommend him enough!

[/fusion_testimonial][fusion_testimonial name=”JEANIE H.” avatar=”image” image=”https://www.inletphysicalmedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Testimony-Jeanie-H..png” image_id=”25945|full” image_border_radius=”round” company=”” link=”” target=”_self”]

Without a doubt one of the best chiropractors I’ve ever used. Very professional and thoroughly examines and listens to you. You not only are a patient you become family. The only doctor to actually figure out why I was hurting and took the time to help me and NOT try to ‘pill me up’.

[/fusion_testimonial][/fusion_testimonials][fusion_separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”50″ bottom_margin=”” sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” width=”” alignment=”center” class=”” id=”” /][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]


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Monday 8-1 / 12-6
Tuesday 10-5
Wednesday 8-1 / 12-6
Thursday 10-5
Friday 8-12 Noon

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